Sweden is located in Scandinavia and just like its nearest neighbours (Norway, Denmark and Finland) it’s very much a part of Europe. Sweden might only have a relatively small population but in terms of sheer land mass, it’s one of the continent’s biggest countries.
Sweden joined the EU in 1995 and it remains a part of the Schengen Area. This means that it’s usually possible to cross into Sweden from nearby countries without showing your passport. However, in response to recent concerns over the level of migration, passport checks have now been reinstated at many crossings.
Despite being a part of the European Union, Sweden remains outside the eurozone. The country held a referendum on joining the euro back in 2003, but a majority of the population decided not to adopt the single currency. As a result, Sweden still has its own currency, called the krona.
Many Swedes still view Europe favourably and – at the time of writing, at least – there’s little chance of Sweden leaving the EU.
- How do I find long-term rental accommodation in Sweden?
- Is Airbnb legal in Sweden?
- Are there many hostels in Sweden?
- Do I need a padlock for Swedish hostels?
- Do Swedish hostels provide bed linen?
- Are bedbugs a problem in Sweden?
Food and drink
- Can I drink the tap water in Sweden?
- Is the food safe to eat in Sweden?
- Will I find vegetarian/vegan food in Sweden?
- Will I find gluten- and lactose-free food in Sweden?
Health and safety
- Is Sweden safe?
- What's the number for the police/ambulance/fire brigade in Sweden?
- Can I trust the police in Sweden?
- Seeing a doctor in Sweden
- How do I see a dentist in Sweden?
- Is medical care in Sweden any good?
- Do I need travel insurance for a trip to Sweden?
- Is Sweden expensive?
- What's a good daily budget for Sweden?
- What's the best way to send money to/from Sweden?
- Can I still pay with cash in Sweden?
- What currency do they use in Sweden?